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Bernard Charles Hackett O.B.E.

Any information regarding this gentleman would be most gratefully received. He was awarded his O.B.E. in 1973 for services to the community in Ross-on-Wye. He was also a Special Constable for a number of years so was probably well known around the town.
Local papers at the time of his death in 1981 would hopefully have carried an obituary and or photograph of Mr. Hackett. Many thanks in advance. Iain.
Last update:
2012-03-01 11:34
Iain Jarvis
Average rating: 3 (1 Vote)

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Comment of Simon:
Hi Iain, one thing you maybe interested in is that Mr. Hackett has been remembered in ... show moreRoss by having a road named after him as in "Bernard Hackett Court".
Added at: 2012-03-01 20:43