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Jervis and Phillips Families of Ross

Last update:
2011-03-21 12:18
Valerie Bell
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

Comment of Don Jarvis:
I have just started my ancestory research. I believe Thomas and Elizabeth are also my Grt ... show moreGrt Grandparents. If I discover any info that may help you I will gladly pass it on.Perhaps we could exchange e-mail addresses and help each other.Thx
Added at: 2012-02-03 00:41

Comment of Valerie Bell:
Please pass on any info you can share...look forward to hearing from... DON JARVIS... re your ... show moreresearch on the Jarvis and Phillips family tree


Added at: 2013-04-11 23:17

Comment of Valerie Bell:
forgot email address........
Added at: 2013-04-11 23:21

Comment of pf7DV4JPK4:
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Added at: 2013-09-16 11:49

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