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2010-06-20 13:33
Priscilla Baker. Nee Robinson
I would be very interested to hear from anyone who was a pupil at Aston Ingham School 1949 - 1953. The teachers at that time were Miss Ellis and Miss Ryder, Headmistress, (marriied name Gould) At one stage there were only 20 pupils, 10 in each class. I visited Aston Ingham in 2009 and was delighted to see that this beautiful bulding still stands. (Tho now a private residence)As does the village hall where we used to have our school dinners which were cooked by a Miss Herbert. She produced the best school dinners ever, on 2 stoves.
2011-01-08 21:48
Tina Parker
I am researching my maternal family - all of them born and bred in Ross. Does anyone know where I could find a burial plan of St Marys? I have spoken to the vicar -she cannot help and I have spoken to the Herefordshire record office and they cannot help either.I have managed to find a few of my family,but,having such a huge family, I'm sure there must be plenty more there waiting to be discovered.
2011-03-13 07:53
Jo Hyndman
Where would somebody living in Wilton in 1968 be buried? Which is the local parish church and have the greave stones been recorded and transcribed by the family history society?
2011-07-28 08:57
Hi, please could you help me. My husband and I are researching family history based on both Walford and Ross and would very much appreciate sight of a churchyard plan with grave listings for each site, if this was possible please. Many thanks Sheila
2012-07-11 02:35
Paul Corbett
Do you have any family records for george thomas corbett or siblings around the 1860 era please. I wish to establish family movements including his immigration to New Zealand around 1870, I cannot discover his arrival on shipping passenger lists around that time, so I'm attempting to uncover the family movements. I believe his father may has been the Ross on Wye stationmaster around that period.
2013-05-29 11:54
john preece
My Grandfather lived at the bannut tree Bridstow lost is left arm in a threshing machine accident at the age of 3 approx 1875 his name was Thomas Alfred Davies would there be any records of the accident locally. He also attended Ross Academy Dock Street again would there be any local records he changed his name from Davies to Preece any help would be helpful Thank you John Preece
2013-12-14 00:01
Mrs Alison Sumner
Does anyone know of a Ross family called Sidwell who ran The Queen's head hotel in New Street circa 1870. Their daughter Ada May, married to William Henry Warlow then took over. Mr Warlow was a horse and cab proprietor
2015-09-01 17:37
Geoff Mair
I am trying to trace connections to the Bridges or Waithe family line. any info however insignificant would be most welcome
2015-11-26 22:40
Izzy Hutchison
I am researching an ancestor who is believed to have come from Ross-on-Wye during the second-half of the c18th. He was probably born in 1764. He was a non-conformist apothecary called Ebenezer Pope, who married a lady from Clifford nearby. Does anyone know of or have a 'Pope' ancestors from this town? I am unable to trace any birth record for him.
2016-11-24 15:53
Looking for any information on the Lilwall family (early 1900´s) particularly VIOLET LILWALL
2017-03-07 12:06
Chris Day
My family on my mother's side have links with Ross on Wye, with surname Hill. It appears they were plumbers/glaziers living in Broad Street in the 1820-1840 period. Thomas Hill married Mary Ann (Webb?) in 1830 in Bridstow. Thomas Hill and James Hill were cited as plumbers in Broad Street in 1830 edition of Pigot's Directory. In the 1840 edition, Mary Ann Hill (and James Hill) were described as plumber/glaziers again based in Broad Street. She was still there in 1851 census. We are trying to track down birth date of Thomas and names of his mother and father. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be happy to receive them. Thanks
2017-03-27 11:10
I appreciate it is a long shot, but does anyone by any chance have a photograph or illustration that might include 27 Edde Cross Street in Ross-on-Wye please? I have had a look on Google Street View, but it seems it has long since been demolished. I am researching the Lewis family, who once lived there in the early 1900s.
2017-06-20 08:38
Bram Nash
A distant relative (Bellamy) was recorded living at Pike Cottage Ross on Wye in the late 1800's, profession market gardener. Could this have been Turnpike cottage, now demolished, near Wilton Bridge? There was once a market garden at Wilton (hence Old Nursery Close). Interested on thoughts on this one.......
2017-12-01 18:57
Thomas Brain Green
Green - According to his 1859 obituary in the New York Herald my 3 x great grandfather Samuel Green (father - Philip Green)was born about 1812 in Ross. The family emigrated to NY in 1844. I've searched the baptismal records for the local church through the LDS films with no luck. Do you think there are any old Green family members still living in Ross-on-Wye ? Any help would be much appreciated
2022-07-08 20:48
Jack slade
The. Service yard for spar in new street was there any houses Built in that entrance at one time
2022-11-06 00:50
Greg Robinson
Looking for any information on my grandmother Vera Robinson (born Robbins) - Apparently they lived at "rose cottage" which was a girls school before that thanks
2023-01-24 19:59
Carolyn Luke
Can anybody give me any information about Staunton Villa, Alton Road, Ross on Wye. Has it now been renamed? My grandad helped to build this back in the 30's and my mother was born here. I just want to be clear on where it is if it i still standing. Many thanks.
2023-06-23 11:51
Sheila Spence
Thomas Dobson lived in a hostelry owned by Elizabeth Dalley on Corpse Cross Street, Ross on Wye in 1841. I am researching Thomas (aka Thomas Morgan Dobson). I believe that is where he died in 1850, any help would be very gratefully received, thanks.

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