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Harper and Sons (Cuthbert Harper)

Last update:
2010-02-14 03:27
Ms. Bouthillier (nee Harper)
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

Comment of Patricia Williams (nee Harper):
My Father (Ronald Harper) was a cousin to Cuthbert E.J Harper, Who died in 1941 aged ... show more21.
I am wondering if this is the same person Ms Bouthillier father is?
As I have more information if needed and maybe a photo.

Added at: 2010-05-16 10:38

Comment of wendy harper bouthillier:
Dear Patricia,

Delighted to hear from you. I am actually the half sister of ... show moreCuthbert EJ Harper. Our father was Cuthert Harper, Sr. Could you email me? I would love to be in touch. I currently live in the USA so email might be best,

Wendy Harper Bouthillier

Added at: 2010-08-09 20:53

Comment of wendy harper bouthillier:
Hi Patricia,

My prior message was cut off. My email is jacques1@optonline.net.

... show more/> Wendy
Added at: 2010-08-09 22:48