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Air Raid Siren


 Can anyone tell me when the air raid siren that was at the weather centre at crossfields and used to go off at 12 oclock every wednesday was switched off?



Ricky Howells.

Last update:
2012-07-07 13:40
ricky howells
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

Comment of Mary Sinclair Powell:
The wartime siren was used until 70's or thereabouts as the fire alarm to call out ... show morethe retained firemen to the fire station in Palace Pound.
When it moved to the new fire station in the 70's after they built the new Hildersley by pass it stopped as they could use other methods to call them in.
The siren sounded at 12 noon on Wednesdays to test it. It was the only time firemen ignored it unless there was really a fire. They would then sound it as a test. Wait a few seconds then sound it again. However this didn't happen very often fortunately.
As kids my brother and I would hear the siren rush to his bedroom window and look out to see if we could work out where the fire was likely to be.
We lived in Oak Road where we were both born and could look out right over the town. We could see some of the roads and would try to see whcih way it was going.
They moved the fire station in the 70's due to the need for more space.
Until the 2nd by pass was built there was no way the A40 to M50 could be of use because they would have had to go right round town to get to it. Palace Pound was the most central as they could go left or right out of St Mary's Street to get anywhere.

Added at: 2012-08-03 23:36

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Added at: 2013-09-14 14:27

Comment of Gail Helveston :
It would blow in1966 and 1967 when we lived there. Thought it was the USSR ... show moreat first!
Added at: 2018-03-08 06:17