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Louis White, Tailor of Ross in 1911

My Grandfater was born in Ross in 1883, He married Mary Ann Temperance Carpenter in 1901. In the same year the had William Lewis White, followed by Bernard White in 1904. They had a daughter Annie Elizabeth in 1908 who sadly died the same year. Louis was a Tailor in Ross and we have him listed on the 1911 census living with his wife and sons at Berryfield Place. Aftert hat he disappears until 1935 when he is listed in Southampton as a tailor. My father was born in 1936 as Eric Henry Philip White, out of wedlock, and Louis married my grandmother in 1956. On the marriage certificate he is listed as a widower but we cant find any record of his first wifes death. Williams death was registered in east Hampshire in 1992 and Bernards in Ross in 1982, but we cant find any record of him between birth and death. If anyone can help fill in any gaps or has any information, it will be greatly appreciated as my father passed in 1997 and we had no knowledge of any of this family until recently when compiling the family tree.
Many thanks
sarah, portsmouth
Last update:
2011-02-28 14:12
sarah White
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

Comment of Roger carpenter:
Mary was my grandfathers sister. You can find our tree on Ancestry.co.uk under carpenter which is ... show morerun by my daughter Cheryl. Also on Genealogist.co.uk I have a tree under carpenter. Please feel free to look. Am in touch with two other carpenter’s at the moment.
Added at: 2018-04-25 09:14

Comment of Roger g carpenter:
Just looked up the record in my tree and found that Mary divorced and married a ... show moreTeague and had two children Erwin and Nelson, which is why you cannot find a death for her it will be under her new married name of Mary Ann Teague. Regards roger
Added at: 2018-04-25 13:21

Comment of Liz Summerson:
Hello, my tree come in here with Alfred George Price TEAGUE,the second husband, Do you have ... show moreevidence that Mary Ann actually divorced Louis or did she just remarry illegally?
Added at: 2021-01-20 08:58

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