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  • Court House, Linton.
    My great grandmother died in Court House, Linton on the 23 Feb 1937. The occupier of the house was Margaret Esther Tina Adams. Does ...
  • C H B Sharp
    Does anybody have information about Charles Henry Beckett Sharp and his second wife Edna Eugenia. He traded as a builder from Bridge House, Wilton ...
  • Churchyard burial map
    I am researching my maternal family - all of them born and bred in Ross. Does anyone know where I could find a burial plan of ...
  • Chamberlain, William & Mary
    I believe my family is from Ross on Wye, living on New Street --- they were horse shoers and leather workers, I think -- any ...
  • Crows Feet
    Any info about this Ross landmark shop gratefully recieved. ...
  • Charles Brown
    I am trying to find out the date my grandad, Charles Brown, died in 1956. I was 5 at the time and would like to ...
  • Cuthbert Harper
    I continue to seek information about my deceased father, Cuthbert Harper, or his son and my half brother, Cuthbert (Bert) Harper, who lived in Ross ...

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  1. The Wilmot family (especially Tom Wilmot) of Pennystone Towers ... (2013-09-03 13:36)
  2. HARRIET WOODWARD (2013-08-25 15:31)
  3. Preece (2013-08-25 15:30)
  4. british and foreign school (2013-08-14 16:20)
  5. family search (2013-08-14 16:20)