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Looking for any relatives especially Llangrove. My grandmother was Esther May Hayward and my mother spent most of her childhood due to the war, with her grandparents in llangrove.
Last update:
2010-07-18 22:42
Muriel Sellwood
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Comment of Denise Jordan:
Hi, my father is Eric Hayward born 1929 at Llangrove and raised by his grandparents ... show more(Dallow) who lived at Hanover in Llangarron after his mothers death in about 1938 (his father was Francis Hayward). The rest of my fathers siblings ended up in orphanages except for his sister who lived with Francis and his new wife). I know my father's paternal grandfather was George Hayward but I know more about the Dallow side of his family.
Added at: 2011-02-03 22:45

Comment of Muriel Sellwood:
Denise, Would love to speak to you more. Have just seen your note and I ... show moream certain we are related.
My grandmother was Esther May Hayward born 10 Jan 1899 and was a sister of Francis John Hayward.

My mum, Carmen Kessel told me a little while ago that Francis first wife died and she had no idea what happened to her cousins because they went into a childrens home. She gave me the name Gladys Ruby ? but did not know if it was 1st or second wife and have not really explored because I thought with it being less than 100 years I would have problems.

Would love to hear as much as you can tell me and would love to share anything I have that might help.

Unfortunately mum now has dementia and it is catching her at the right time but if you tell her something from the past she can usually come back with stuff you had not heard before. My mum born 1929 spent most of her early life living with George and Rosehannah (I have a few pictures).
I live on the outskirts of Swindon and would love to meet up.

Added at: 2011-02-06 17:38

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